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May/1/2024 20:53

RFIA032 French Literature II, 4 ECTS, Kirjatentti [home page]

Section des langues romanes et classiques

The language used was temporarily changed. Personal information page allows you to save your language settings.
The registration deadline for this course passed 31.5.20 at 23:59.
Students will be registered according to their order of registration. Further information on queuing.

General information

Home page: https://www.jyu.fi/ops/fi/hytk/monialaisen-kieliasiantuntijan-kandidaattiohjelma-romaanisen-filologian-opintosuunta/unit/8047
Begins - ends: 1.8.15 - 31.7.20
Registration period: 1.8.15 at 0:00 - 31.5.20 at 23:59
The registration may be cancelled before 31.5.2020 at 00:00.
Instructor(s): University lecturer Anne-Laure Kiviniemi (anne-laure.l.c.kiviniemi@jyu.fi)
Credits: 4 ECTS cr.
Languages: language(s) of instruction: -; completion language(s): -
Registered: 6
Max participants: 30 (Due to the queuing method used for registration, you may still register for this course even though the number of participants exceeds the maximum.);
Organisations:Section des langues romanes et classiques (RFI)