Functions in Korppi Korppi


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May/5/2024 19:46

, 35 ECTS, syksy 2022, JY:n tutkinto-opiskelijoille maksuttomat opinnot, JY:n avoin yliopisto

Perheopinnot (open univ.)

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The registration deadline for this course passed 17.10.22 at 15:00.

General information

Begins - ends: 31.10.22 - 31.10.24
Registration period: 5.10.22 at 9:00 - 17.10.22 at 15:00
Study right valid: 31.10.22 - 31.10.24
Credits: 35 ECTS cr.
Registered: 0
Max participants: 25
Still room for: 25
Organisations:Perheopinnot (open univ.) (AVOPEO)
Course organisers:JY:n avoin yliopisto

Courses belonging to the study module