Functions in Korppi Korppi


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May/3/2024 15:09

, 35 ECTS, B temaattinen moduuli, kevät 2023, JY:n tutkinto-opiskelijoille maksuttomat opinnot, JY:n avoin yliopisto

Open University

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The registration deadline for this course passed 13.4.23 at 15:00.

General information

Begins - ends: 2.5.23 - 31.7.25
Registration period: 30.3.23 at 9:00 - 13.4.23 at 15:00
Study right valid: 2.5.23 - 31.7.25
Credits: 35 ECTS cr.
Registered: 7
Organisations:, Open University (AYO)
Course organisers:JY:n avoin yliopisto

Courses belonging to the study module