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Exam : TERV303 Contents of Health Education III 4 op

Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences (SPORT), Health Education (TER)

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Exam information
Course: Contents of Health Education III
Organisation: Health Education
Exam date and time: 14.10.2019 klo 08:15 - 12:30
Registration begins on: 23.09.2019 klo 12:00
Registration deadline is: 07.10.2019 klo 12:00
Deadline for canceling registration: 07.10.2019 klo 12:00
Location or classroom(s): ---
Examiner(s): Ojala Kristiina
Further information: Yleinen tentti
Teema 2: Teema 2: Marmot, M. 2015. The health gap. The challenge of an unequal world. 1. painos. London: Bloomsbury Publishing. ISBN: HB: 978-1-4088-5799-1 (346 s.)