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Exam : KEMP114 Basics in Chemistry 4 (Organic Chemistry) 6 op

Chemistry (KEM), Department of Chemistry (KEM)

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Exam information
Course: Basics in Chemistry 4 (Organic Chemistry)
Organisation: Chemistry
Exam date and time: 29.04.2020 klo 08:00 - 12:00
Registration begins on: 16.03.2020 klo 00:00
Registration deadline is: 27.04.2020 klo 23:59
Deadline for canceling registration: 27.04.2020 klo 23:59
Location or classroom(s): ---
Examiner(s): Huuskonen Juhani
Further information: 1. välikoe Moodlessa. Lisätietoa tentaattorilta.