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Apr/19/2024 22:10

Optional Studies (Pääaineopiskelijoille)

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Organisation: Corporate Environmental Management (ECON)
Year: 2014-2016
Location: Suunnitteilla
Further information: The following changes to the JSBE curriculum for 2013-2016 will be effective starting on 1 September 2014: 1. Two study units from the discipline of Environmental Science and Technology must be completed: YMPP123 Fundamentals of Environmental Science 5 ECTS and YMPA209 Climate Change and Global Warming 4 ECTS, altogether 9 ECTS ( previous requirement was 25 ECTS). 2. Optional Studies (minimum 18 ECTS) will be completed, preferably, in Environmental Studies and Technology. The optional studies can be chosen freely, if the student has completed both business studies and environmental studies previously.
Minimum amount
of ECTS credits:
Level: Advanced studies
Type: For major subject students

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