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5.5.2024 07:27

Mas­ter's Degree Pro­gram­me in Sport and Exerci­se Pro­mo­tion, Specia­li­sa­tion in Social Sciences of Sport

Organisaatio: Liikuntatieteellinen tiedekunta
Vuosi: 2017-2020
Tila: Aktiiviset
Tavoitteet: The Master graduate of Master''s Degree Programme in Sport and Excercise Promotion - is familiar with advanced concepts, current research findings, theories and research methods of his/her major - has the ability to employ a systematic conceptual approach to gathering, analysing and disseminating knowledge - has the ability to apply theoretical knowledge to analyse and solve concrete problems in one’s are of specialisation, and is able to work as a researcher in social sciences of sport, SEP or public health research laboratories and higher education institutions - understands the societal nature of sport and exercise and is able to validate the societal meaning and importance of sport - is familiar with public, private or third sectors and has the ability to work in an expert position in an international environment - is competent in translating research evidence into practice, and is aware of the ethical dilemmas and moral problems concerning the field of sport and exercise - has the ability to consider ethical viewpoints in one’s actions and is motivated to act in a responsible manner, respecting the values of humanity, nature, equality and multiculturality. In addition the Master graduate in social sciences of sport - has the ability to observe, understand and explain phenomena related to sport culture - is familiar with the social practices of sport and understands the effect of societal changes on the branch of sport and exercise - has an in-depth understanding on the effects of an individual’s behaviour and choices on the field of sport and exercise and on the significance of sport culture in society - has the ability to evaluate the effects of societal decision-making on the branch of sport and exercise and on the sport culture as a whole.
Tutkinnon taso: Maisteri
Tutkintonimike: Liikuntatieteiden maisterin tutkinto

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